WASHINGTON STATE UNIVERSITY Finance and Administration Information Systems

When testing a website such as any of the various WordPress pages we should be on the lookout for…

Large file sizes.
  1. Ideally we want the page to load completely under 1 MB.
    1. When inspected using the debug console in the Google Chrome browser the “… MB transferred” amount should be around 2.0 MB or lower.
  1. To check this press F12 (in Chrome), click the Network tab, and refresh the page.
    1. Ensure the following options are true:
      • You are looking at the Network tab
      • The Red record button on the left is selected
      • You have the “Disable cache” option enabled
  1. This may seem like anĀ unnecessary point but this kind of issue gets missed a lot.
    1. Below is an example of a subtle menu item not matching the rest of the surrounding menu items.
Images that have been stretched or distorted
  1. If an image is not large enough for the desired space do not try and stretch the image to match the space.
    1. This causes the image to become pixelated as can be seen in the image below.